
Life Coaching

Our Life Coaching Services are designed to empower individuals to realize their full potential and lead a fulfilling, purpose-driven life. Alonzo is experienced, highly-skilled and dedicated to helping clients overcome challenges, set achievable goals, and develop the motivation and actions necessary for personal growth and success.

Alonzo provides personalized support and guidance tailored to individual needs and goals. Through one-on-one sessions, he helps clients gain clarity, identify strengths and weaknesses, and create a roadmap for success.

Whether you are seeking personal development, career advancement, or improved relationships, our Life Coaching Services offer a transformative journey towards a more fulfilled and purposeful life. Embark on this journey today and unlock your full potential with the support of our dedicated Life Coaches.

Leadership Coaching

Our Leadership Coaching Services focus on helping clients enhance their self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management skills, fostering stronger and more collaborative leadership.

The coaching sessions are designed to empower individuals, unlock their leadership potential and enhance their effectiveness in leading teams and organizations.

Alonzo is adept at guiding professionals to develop the necessary skills, mindset, and strategies to become effective and influential leaders. He works closely with clients to identify their unique strengths, areas for improvement, and leadership style, and then help them build a roadmap for their leadership development journey.

Whether you are a seasoned executive, aspiring leader, or a professional looking to enhance your leadership capabilities, our Leadership Coaching Services offer a transformative experience that will propel your leadership effectiveness to new heights. Invest in your leadership growth today and unlock your full potential with the support of dedicated Leadership Coaching.


Our Mentoring offers a comprehensive and personalized experience designed to provide clients with guidance, support, and wisdom. This service is ideal for individuals who are seeking professional or personal growth, and are eager to learn from someone who has already walked the path they aspire to tread.

Alonzo has a wealth of knowledge, insights, and firsthand experience in that he offers through mentoring. He guides clients through navigating challenges, making critical decisions, and developing the skills necessary for success, ultimately accelerating growth and progress.

Embark on a transformative journey of growth and development through our mentoring services. Gain the mentorship and support needed to achieve your goals and aspirations. Invest in yourself today and unleash your full potential with the guidance of our experienced mentor.

Assessment Center

Our Assessment Center provides a framework for individuals to assess their personal and interpersonal skills. This insight enables individuals to enhance their self-awareness, communication, leadership, and collaboration skills, creating a solid foundation for personal and professional growth.

Based on the assessment results, individuals are guided through creating personalized development plans that outline specific steps for enhancing their strengths and addressing areas for improvement. These plans serve as roadmaps for personal growth and provide a clear direction towards achieving personal and professional objectives.

Alonzo is adept at guiding professionals to develop the necessary skills, mindset, and strategies to become effective and influential leaders. He works closely with clients to identify their unique strengths, areas for improvement, and leadership style, and then help them build a roadmap for their leadership development journey.

Whether you are a seasoned executive, aspiring leader, or a professional looking to enhance your leadership capabilities, our Leadership Coaching Services offer a transformative experience that will propel your leadership effectiveness to new heights. Invest in your leadership growth today and unlock your full potential with the support of dedicated Leadership Coaching.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth with the support of our scientifically validated assessments

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The LEAD 360 is a leadership assessment instrument that is used by raters performing different roles (self, boss, direct reports, peers, and others) within a leader’s immediate work circle to assess the degree to which he or she exhibits behaviors associated with four principles of leadership effectiveness.

The four principles, which form the acronym, LEAD, are as follows:

  • Learn from Mistakes
  • Exemplify Competence
  • Add Value, and
  • Do the Right Thing

These principles matter most for the development of new and experienced leaders and are scalable to leaders at all levels of the organization.

The feedback that leaders receive from the LEAD 360 provides information that can be used to improve self-awareness, develop various leadership skills, and serve as a guide for overall leadership effectiveness. The instrument provides information that allows leaders to

  • Identify their strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Learn how others in the organization view their behavior
  • Use the information to create a leadership development action plan, and
  • Make continuous improvements to maximize their potential.

How well do you use the LEAD Principles? Contact us to find out.

The EQ 360 is a comprehensive assessment that is used to gather feedback from raters performing different roles (self, boss, direct reports, peers, and others) from an individual’s immediate work circle to assess his or her level of emotional intelligence. The instrument uses the scales and subscales from the Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 as measures. The multi-rating approach allows for richer feedback of the results.

The results can be used to enhance self-awareness, and improve communication, leadership, interpersonal relationships, stress and self-management.

How do others perceive your level of emotional intelligence? Contact us to find out.

The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 assesses emotional intelligence. Emotion intelligence is the ability to perceive, express, and control one’s emotions during interpersonal interactions and cope with one’s environment. The instrument provides an excellent self-awareness vantage point for leaders and non-leaders to enhance their effectiveness. The Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-I 2.0) uses five scales, each with three subscales, to measure an individual’s emotional intelligence:

  • Self-Perception – understanding one’s strength and limitations; the subscales consist of self-regard, self-actualization, and emotional self-awareness.
  • Self-Expression – expressing one’s emotions; its subscales consist of emotional expression, assertiveness, and independence.
  • Interpersonal – developing and maintaining relationships; the subscales consist of interpersonal relationships, empathy, and social responsibility
  • Decision Making – using emotional information to guide decisions; the subscales consist of problem solving, reality testing, and impulse control.
  • Stress Management – coping with one’s environment; its subscales consist of flexibility, stress tolerance, and optimism.

What is your your level of emotional intelligence? Contact us to find out.

The ARSENAL assesses an individual’s level of stress and provides useful feedback for enhancing resilience. The instrument is based on the ARSENAL, a stress management model, which espouses seven best practices for building and maintaining stress-tolerance: Awareness, Rest, Support, Exercise, Nutrition, Attitude, and Learning. A description of each element follows:

  • Awareness – being tuned into your behavior and knowing what makes you tick. It is the foundation of the other best practice elements.
  • Rest – rejuvenates your mind and body and is vital for a healthy lifestyle and stress resilience.
  • Support – having others in your life who provide psychological, emotional, and physical help to both challenge and encourage you to be your best.
  • Exercise – physical activities that enhance or maintain your physical fitness. A workout routine and maintaining an active lifestyle will result in a high level of stress-tolerance.
  • Nutrition – receiving the food required for physical and mental health, as well as growth.
  • Attitude – having a positive outlook towards others and towards life in general.
  • Learning – continuing to acquire or expand your skills and knowledge. Challenge yourself to grow mentally beyond what you thought was possible. Foster relationships with those who know more than you.

When these elements are employed collectively, they are, indeed, an effective arsenal against stress.

What is your stress tolerence? Contact us to find out.

The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) assesses an individual’s preference for responding to conflict. The 5 preferences below, known as conflict styles, are measured by the TKI:

  • Accommodating
  • Avoiding
  • Collaborating
  • Competing
  • Compromising

Understanding your conflict style enhances your self-awareness and positions you to grow as a leader, manage conflict better, work more collaboratively with others, and reduce stress.

What is your prefered conflict style(s)? Contact us to find out.

The MBTI® assesses preferences for four aspects of personality: where individuals get their energy—Extroverting or Introverting; how they perceive the world around them—Sensing or Intuiting; how they judge the world around them—Thinking or Feeling; and how they live in the world—Judging or Perceiving.

It is a useful tool for gaining insights about self and understanding others who have different personality preferences than you. Results of the MBTI® can also be leveraged to improve communication.

What are your personality perferences? Contact us to find out.

The FIRO Element-B™ assesses three dimensions of interpersonal interactions. The results of the assessment are used to enhance self-awareness, improve communication and interpersonal relationships, build teams, and develop leadership effectiveness. The three dimensions measured by the instrument are highlighted below:

  • Inclusion—refers to the degree of participation, belongingness and togetherness that an individual wants. The scale measures the degree of interaction that an individual expresses toward others, gets from others,as well as what the individual wants to express and get.
  • Control—refers to power, decision making and leadership. The scale measures the degree of influence that an individual expresses toward others, gets from others, as well as what the individual wants to express and get.
  • Openness— refers to sharing personal feelings, friendship and affection with others. The scale measures the degree of closeness that an individual expresses toward others, gets from others, as well as what the individual wants to express and get.

What degree of inclusion, control and openness do you express and want? Contact us to find out.

The COACH180 is a performance coaching assessment instrument that measures behaviors associated with the five elements of the COACH framework:

  • Communicate
  • Open
  • Align
  • Collaborate, and
  • Harness

The elements assessed by the COACH180 are the foundation for coaching performance and are grounded in research about leadership effectiveness. The five elements are scalable for leaders at all levels of the organization.

The feedback that leaders receive from the COACH180 provides information that can be used to improve their self-awareness and effectiveness as a coach, a key leadership skill. This, in turn, builds a solid foundation for success as a leader.

Are you effective at coaching performance? Contact us to find out.